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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A few times a month my family gets in the mood to have breakfast for our dinner meal. I always enjoy this meal not only because I love breakfast foods, but it can be cooked and on the table in only 30 minutes. Another great advantage of cooking breakfast for dinner is that you can double the recipe of pancakes and/or waffles and you will already have breakfast for tomorrow ready.

Waffles, pancakes, and biscuits are great items to double the recipe on because the extras can be refrigerated and then warmed up in the morning for breakfast. Most kids love the frozen waffles in the freezer section at the local grocery store, but they can be expensive and most are small, meaning it takes more to fill everyone up.

If you don't already have one, consider investing in a waffle maker. They are inexpensive, around $25, and you will get years of use out of them. Waffles are a big hit with the kids at any meal, and they love to make them. A great way to get the kids involved in cooking is to mix a large batch of waffle mix on the weekend and let them cook a big stack of waffles. You can let them decorate some and eat them, then freeze the rest for a quick breakfast down the road.

I try to always think about how I can utilize some part of each meal in another meal down the road. Cooking breakfast for dinner is a great way to get a head start on the next day. Be sure to check out my next blog for and example of a great breakfast for dinner recipe that made a great 2 for 1 deal.


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