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Saturday, February 27, 2010

If you cook for every long, you will find that recipes will use different terminology to describe measurements. This can be frustrating at times. Below you will find a conversion chart to use in your kitchen.

A pinch..............................................1/8 tablespoon or less

3 teaspoons........................................1 tablespoon

4 tablespoons.....................................1/4 cup

2 cups.................................................1 pint

4 cups.................................................1 quart

4 quarts..............................................1 gallon

8 quarts..............................................1 peck

4 pecks................................................1 bushel

16 ounces............................................1 pound

32 ounces............................................1 quart

1 ounce liquid.....................................2 tablespoons

8 ounces liquid...................................1 cup

These are just a few of the many conversions used in the kitchen. Check back to find more.


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