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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The techniques will be described using a chef's knife.

The first technique of using a knife is the grip.  The grip is the point of contact for the knive and controls the stabilty, motion, and force of the knife.  The proper way to hold
the knife is to grip the top of the blade with the thumb and wrap the rest of the hand around the bolster.  Take a look at the pictures below.  This will feel uncomfortable for beginners, but once you practice a few times, it will become natural.  This hold gives you maximum control over the blade.

Photo © Danilo Alfaro

The second technique is learning how to hold the food with the opposite hand.  You will use the opposite hand to secure the food you are cutting and using the front side of the fingers as a guide for the knife. See the picture below.  Grip the food with the finger tips curled in toward the wrist.  This will keep your finger tips away from the the blade and allows the nuckles to be used as a guide for the knife.
Photo © Danilo Alfaro

The third technique to learn is the most important. The proper cutting motion is difficult to put in writing so I have included this link. This short video will go over all that you have learned so far and teach you the correct cutting motion to use when cutting.  This motion will become habit after practice, but will feel unusal at first.  Be sure to stick with it and you will be surprised how much better you will become with your knife skills.

Be sure to see part 4 for details on specifics about the different types of kitchen knife cuts.


Sadie said...

Found you from Link Referral, I just joined today. :) I am now following you. Let me know if I can do anything to help promote your site, or if you're interested in a link exchange just leave me a message. :)

Very helpful post. We cook a lot but have never been taught anything about cutting.


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